Friday, January 19, 2018

Members Night

Happy New Year!
Farewell 2017 and an unexpected program change

O ur December 3rd an-nual holiday cele-bration was an un-qualified smash. The complimentary fusion Pe-ruvian/American dinner ca-tered by Edith Young was en-thusiastically received by the dinner guests. The collective joy that filled the room attests to the CAS sense of fellowship.
Unexpectedly we received shat-tering news that because of health issues our guest speaker was unable to attend our Holi-day Luncheon. An otherwise major problem—but not for the CAS. President Ray Young’s so-lution was “The Moche—Drugs, Sex, Music, and Puppies!” Ray selected, introduced and chaired Q & A to a Video lecture presented by Professor Edwin Barnhart, Director of the Maya Exploration Center.

Discovery of the spectacular tomb of the Lords of Sipan has unleashed many new ideas about the Moche which in turn has elicited contending areas of controversy. Some of these contentions were brought to the attention of the CAS audience.

Members Night Election

Traditionally and as established by the CAS constitution Mem-bers night belongs to members. As such annual elections have an opportunity to throw the rascals out! Published at the end of this article is a slate of nominees. President Young will open the meeting to the floor for addi-tional nominations.
A tentative slate is published for the record.

What’s new?

Members Night is your chance to share an event. Have you been traveling? Perhaps a book or magazine article has made an impression. The CAS is anxious to hear from you. Talk to a CAS officer— help is yours for the asking but we want to hear from you.

CAS Nominations: Officers and Board 2018

President Raymond Young 2018
Lucy Kennedy 2018
Editor Robert Stelton 2018
Treasurer Michael Ruggeri 2018
Director Judith Greene 2020
Director Peter Greene 2020 Director Jeanne Jesernik 2020
Director Jacqueline Leipold 2020
Director Doreen Stelton 2020

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