
The Chicago Archaeological Society is a member organization that provides opportunities for audiences of interested persons to engage with experts in archaeology in public meetings to develop a better understanding of our past. 


The Chicago Archaeological Society is a chapter of the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology.  Monthly meetings with guest lectures are free of charge. All are welcome.

President         Raymond Young       2022
Vice President Lucy Kennedy*         2022
Secretary        Ann Wilson-Dooley    2023
Treasurer        Michael Ruggeri         2022

Director        Sally Campbell              2023
Director        Edith Castro-Young       2023
Director        Bryna Gamson**           2023 
Director        Jeanne Jesernik***        2023
Director        James Meierhoff            2023
Director        Doreen Stelton               2023
Director        David Zucker                 2023

Director        Mary Ann Bloom           2022
Director        Lynn Miller                    2022
Director        Jeanne Zasadil             2022


*Program Chair
** Newsletter Editor
***Membership Chair