Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Touring Athen’s Agora with Laura Gawlinski

Regular tourists in Athens, Greece, usually see the changing of the Guard, the Acropolis and Acropolis Museum. Perhaps they tour the National Museum and they may have taken a day trip to Delphi and a few may have made a quick trip through the Agora on a "free day."
The Stoa of Athen is one of thelargest roofed Greek buildingsof Greek antiquity.

After hearing our speaker bring life to the bustling ancient Agora, a visitor will want to return to visit the Stoa, the very complete Temple of Hephaestus and other evidences
of the busy activities that occurred

Pieces of shards were used to
vote to ostracize politicians
and other trouble makers. Voting
machines and ballot counters shown were amazingly clever instruments of a budding democracy. Learning about trials with thousands on a jury might make you contemplate such trials today.

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