Friday, April 14, 2017

The Palimpsest Deb Stelton

We hear from you.

Our U.S. mail that we pick up from our mailbox on the road gets heavier and heavier.
Half of it, mostly catalogs, gets dumped into the recycle bin near the kitchen door. But some of it is from you. You send us folded up coffee-stained articles: "Newgrange, a Neolithic tomb site, older than Stonehenge" or "Statue Unearthed in Cairo May Be Ramses Likeness".

Some of the articles may contain general-ly known archaeologically known facts or theories. But an accompanying photo or some detail might be enlightening. The photo of the high long wall at the bottom of the hill at Newgrange with a fringe of ant-like waiting tourists is awesome and brings to mind the significance it once held for the locals.
Children playing around a piece of a stone head that might be Ramses II and crowds of Cairo citizens watching seg-ments being machine lifted from a hole in the ground, makes you wonder. Will the pieces be put together and will it help bring the tourists back to Egypt?

"Parched and Sinking Mexico City in Crisis" reveals parenthetically that the conquistadors "replaced the dikes and canals with streets and squares. They drained the lakes and cleared forests..." Today in Certain areas, women stand in line to purchase water.

"We couldn't Believe Our Eyes': Explor-ers find a Long Lost World of Ship-wrecks". The Black Sea turns out to be the best environment for preserving wooden vessels from medieval times and even earlier. One explorer, Robert D. Ballard found a "2,400 year old wreck laden with clay storage jars.... One held remnants of a large fish that had been dried and cut into steaks, a popular food in ancient Greece."

Did the Greek philosophers follow the _Mediterranean diet?

Articles came from Gloria Williams and Phyllis Adams

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