Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Palimpsest

Our Wonderful Technological Age.

When we finally surrendered to pro-gress and welcomed the personal computer a new world was at our fingertips! A technological revolution liberated our imagination when it became possible to produce long documents and correct errors without starting over.
The pc saved precious time for other projects. But…slowly it became a time-burner. Time saved was spent discovering archaeological news and its dissemination. Journeys into

YouTube offered vicarious travel experiences and a torrent of information inundated web pages for you to read, copy and circulate!

Moreover everyday business email began to fill our Inbox and we found that our telephone services, medical services, gas companies, electric ser-vices, garbage pick-up were all con-tacting us as about this and that (as well as their competitors). They were giving us choices or complaining about our garbage.

Daily checking email became a chore that produced a defensive reaction— a reluctance to share email addresses.

Your email address security and privacy is important to the CAS. We do not share your address with third par-ties. Group mailings e.g. the Codex are blind and if requested your ad-dress is removed from the CAS directory.

If you have not received CAS email information and wish to receive future mailings you may contact Or post your address on the meeting signup sheet. Please print clearly using large block letters. For special contacts a phone number is also requested.
Get Ready for Halloween!

Caught your attention? Everyone needs a mask. I mean an antique Guatemalan dance mask, or an African devil mask. Maybe you or a friend needs a Zulu shield or a Balinese pup-pet or a small antique Peruvian house-hold god, Pachamama. You can choose from the CAS collection of donated objects from MexiMayan travelers.

You can go online to Etsy and Lost Antiquities Found and Doreen Stelton, Jr. will sell you your choice, or your friend’s choice or your friend’s choice for a gift for Father’s Day. Sale Items so marked will benefit the CAS.

By Deb Stelton 

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